Jamar J. Perry

Services Offered:

Developmental Editing
Substantive Editing
Editorial Assessment
Line Editing
Query Critique
Authenticity Reading

Preferred Age Level & Genre of Expertise:

Jamar loves to work on middle grade, young adult, and adult in the following areas: contemporary, contemporary fantasy, light fantasy, epic fantasy, romance, thrillers, paranormal, and light science fiction.

More About Jamar…

Jamar J. Perry (he/him) is the author of the middle grade series, CAMERON BATTLE AND THE HIDDEN KINGDOMS, due to be released from Bloomsbury, February 1, 2022. This series follow Cameron, a twelve-year-old queer Black boy whose life is turned upside-down when his parents die in a car crash. For his entire life, he has been told about a magical West African kingdom that his ancestors came from, hidden in time and space. When he is sent to live with his grandmother, he finds that the hidden world his parents told him about is true. With the help of his friends, he must travel across worlds to save his own.

When not writing and editing, Jamar spends most of his time teaching, coaching, and training middle and secondary school teachers for the classroom. In his free time, Jamar can be found hanging out with twin brother's cat, eating too much food, and watching too much television on Netflix.

Jamar is a Black gay man, who suffers from mental illness, including depression and anxiety. He can provide sensitivity reads for all genres in those categories, including racism, gendered racism, ableism (stomach issues), and negative stereotypes of minorities. He is not the best fit for stories centering child abuse or cruelty to animals.

Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, or visit his website.

Favorite Books:

  • Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston

  • The City of Brass series by S.A. Chakraborty

  • Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko

  • Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend

  • A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy.  

Favorite TV Shows:

The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Flash, The Umbrella Academy, Homeland.


“Jamar Perry is one of the strongest editors I’ve had the pleasure of working with. His developmental advice and keen eye for detail are part of the reason I was able to secure a book deal with a major publisher. Anyone who has the privilege of working with Jamar will not only have a stronger manuscript for it, but also come out a better writer!”
- George Jreije, author of the Shad Hadid and the Alchemists of Alexandria series, Harper Children's, Fall 2022.

“As an author, Jamar is a master at crafting richly immersive worlds and pacey plots with never a dull moment. As an editor, he combines genuine enthusiasm and experience, providing insightful suggestions for improving a manuscript while always respecting the author’s voice. His feedback on SPICE ROAD has been invaluable.”
- Maiya Ibrahim, debut author of the YA fantasy trilogy, SPICE ROAD